
Here’s why regulators are so worried about Facebook’s digital currency

Policymakers around the world have upped the pressure on libra, the digital currency being introduced by Facebook, amid concerns it could heavily disrupt the global financial system. It appears to be a running theme from a number of regulators and lawmakers, who worry libra would compete with government currencies. That’s because Facebook is such an influential platform, with more than 2.4 billion monthly active users as of July 2019.

The Musée du Louvre, Paris, opens new and expanded spaces for exploring Islamic Arts supported by Alwaleed Philanthropies

The Musée du Louvre officially opened new and expanded spaces to explore Islamic art with the support of Alwaleed Philanthropies. The new exhibition space offers visitors an immersive introduction to Islamic art. The center showcases a diverse range of art and artifacts stretching from Spain to India and explains the evolution of Islamic art in style, form and medium. Louvre President Jean Luc-Martinez hopes to reach even more visitors, and provide them the keys to understanding the wonderful artistic heritage. The new and expanded spaces for exploring Islamic art has been designed to offer full disability access and includes a series of interactive displays.

Le combat de la ville de Nice contre une enseigne de «finance islamique»

Alors qu'une société souhaitait installer des enseignes lumineuses avec la mention "finance islamique", le tribunal administratif de Nice a validé le refus de la mairie. Un nouveau dossier communautaire à gérer pour la ville, un an après l'affaire des burkinis. Le dossier pourrait raviver les tensions. Le tribunal administratif de Nice a débouté aujourd'hui jeudi 6 juillet la société Noorassur de sa requête contre la mairie de Nice, et a validé le refus par la mairie que la société appose deux enseignes lumineuses. Le juge a estimé que la décision de la mairie ne pouvait être regardée comme portant atteinte. Dans un communiqué, Christian Estrosi s'est félicité de la décision du tribunal. Du côté de la société Noorassur, l'ordonnance rendue en référé ne clôt pas l'affaire.

#NCB Capital #launches Pan European #Real #Estate #Fund

NCB Capital, Saudi Arabia’s leading provider of wealth management and investment services, and the Kingdom’s largest asset manager, has announced the launch of its Pan European Real Estate Fund with more than $150 million raised through a private placement.
NCB Capital has partnered with Fidelity International, a leading global asset manager, to invest in commercial properties, including office, retail, logistics/industrial and mixed use, located in key European property markets including France, Germany, Benelux and the United Kingdom. Favorable currency conversion rates, robust legal and regulatory environments, coupled with consistent growth expectations of the core European economies make this an opportune time to invest in a solid real estate market.

Call for Papers- Sharing Economy of Islam beyond Islamic Finance, SASE 2017, Lyon, France, 29 June-1st July 2017

Abstract/Paper Submission
Please note that colleagues should send 1,000 words abstract by FEBRUARY 3, 2017, which should provide a short background, aims of the paper, the methodology and method used, and the findings (or expected findings).


Acceptance notifications will be sent by March 1, 2017.

Paper submissions and session proposals must be made through our online submission system; for additional information on how to submit, please follow the link:

Sharing Economy of Islam beyond Islamic Finance:
Re-constructing Collaborative and Disruptive Economy from Islamic Moral Economy Perspective

SASE Conference on ‘What's Next? Disruptive/Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual?’
Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France
29th June – 1st July 2017

Call for Papers:

Finance Islamique: déjà 500 familles devenues propriétaires en #France avec 570easi!

Il y a 6 ans, la société 570easi réalisait en France la toute première opération de financement immobilier conforme à l’éthique musulmane. C’est le cas pour plus de 500 familles qui sont devenues propriétaires via un financement immobilier Murabaha. Le grand public a la possibilité à ce jour de solliciter une durée de financement allant jusqu’à 20 ans.

'Greater Paris' woos Qatari investors

Paris is wooing potential Qatari investors to be the part of a huge infrastructure development project, 'Greater Paris', to which the government of France has already committed €50bn. Chiara Corazzara, Managing Director of the Greater Paris Investment Agency said the state-sponsored investment in infrastructures is designed to trigger €80bn private investment and the response that they get from Qatari investors is really encouraging.

Prêt halal sur 20 ans : l'offre financière de 570 easi qui pourrait changer la donne

L'agence 570 easi, pionnière en finance islamique en France vient de proposer une nouvelle offre de crédit halal permettant au client d’effectuer un achat immobilier sans avoir à contracter un emprunt portant un intérêt, selon le principe murabaha. L'offre actuelle est désormais disponible sur 20 ans, un crédit inédit en France. Le Conseil de la fatwa de l’Union des Organisation Islamique de France (UOIF) avait émis un avis juridique dans lequel il exemptait sous conditions, au nom du concept de nécessité, l’emprunteur musulman de l’interdiction de recourir au prêt bancaire à intérêt lorsque l’investissement vise l’achat d’une résidence principale.

La CENF de l'Université Paris 1 en partenariat avec LabEx RéFi organisent une table ronde sur "La religion dans la finance : risques, marketing et réalités" le 10 février 2016 à 18h à Paris.

La chaire éthique et normes et de la finance (CENF) de l'Université Paris 1 en partenariat avec le laboratoire d'excellence sur la régulation financière (LabEx RéFi) organisent une table ronde sur "La religion dans la finance : risques, marketing et réalités" le 10 février 2016 à 18h. Cet évènement aura lieu dans la salle 1 du Centre Panthéon (12 place du Panthéon) et accueillera Frédéric Baule (consultant indépendant), Nicolas Hardy (Analyste financier, Standard & Poor´s Ratings Services) ainsi que Edouard Fernandez-Bollo (autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution) et sera modérée par Pierre-Charles Pradier (Paris 1).

Bahrain's Al Baraka Islamic Bank eyes France, Indonesia for expansion

Bahrain's Al Baraka Islamic Bank plans to open a sharia-compliant bank in France next year as the lender seeks to expand into Europe, Chief Executive Adnan Ahmed Yousif said on Sunday. France has one of the largest Muslim populations in Europe but cultural and legal obstacles have impeded the development of its Islamic finance industry. Some Gulf-based Islamic banks that have expanded in Europe have gone elsewhere. Qatar's Masraf Al Rayan owns Al Rayan Bank in the United Kingdom, while Kuwait Finance House's Turkish arm opened its first branch in Germany last year. Al Baraka also plans to acquire a bank in Indonesia either this year or in 2017 and was in talks with the Indonesian central bank governor, Yousif said.

Islamic securities deliver economic and social returns

“Ethical finance” is a term used to describe finance that is put to good social and environmental use. Interest in it has risen since the 2008 global financial crisis, with Islamic finance and socially responsible investment funds becoming its two fastest areas of growth. The World Bank Treasury has brought the two together by helping the International Finance Facility for Immunization issue two Sukuks in less than a year.
IFFIm is an international organization that finances child immunization and strengthens health systems related to it in some of the poorest countries of the world through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Backed by nine sovereign governments—the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Norway, Australia, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and South Africa—the organization raises money in the international capital markets.

Crowdfunding et Finance Islamique : l’IFSO organise une conférence à Paris

IFSO – Islamic Finance Students Organization, association des étudiants et diplômés en Finance Islamique de l’Université de Strasbourg, organise dans le cadre de ses Universités Européennes de la Finance Islamique, une conférence sur le thème “Crowdfunding et Finance Islamique, convergences et perspectives”, le Samedi 10 octobre 2015 de 15h00 à 17h30 à Paris. Avec la participation de M. Tariq BENGARAI Abou Nour, enseignant chercheur en finance islamique, porte parole du CIFIE (Comité indépendant de la finance islamique en Europe). M. Amine NAIT DAOUD, co-fondateur 570 Asset Management et autres.

Les Echos publient une étude du marché des produits d’assurance Takaful en France

En Europe, le Takaful a rencontré une forte demande et a su trouver son marché là où il s’est allié aux assureurs mutualistes. A ce jour, sur le marché Français l’offre Takaful est en construction en assurance Vie. Si les compétences opérationnelles et les capacités d’encadrement existent et sont facilement mobilisables, la demande est aujourd’hui en attente. Des pans entiers de la cible se disent prêts à souscrire à une offre de qualité. Les associations communautaires, les particuliers, les entreprises, les déçus ou les réfractaires de la finance traditionnelle peuvent trouver dans la mise en place de ces offres une solution à leurs besoins.

Séminaire à la Sorbonne sur l’utilisation des Sukuk pour financer les PME françaises

La Chaire Éthique et Normes de la Finance de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne a le plaisir de vous inviter au Séminaire Mensuel qui aura lieu le Mercredi 11 Mars 2015 au 2 rue Cujas, Salle 208 (2ème étage) à 9h. Ce séminaire se fera par vidéoconférence entre le Centre de Recherche sur l’Économie Islamique à Djeddah et l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. L’invité d’honneur pour cette séance sera Monsieur Anass Patel qui nous présentera son travail de recherche : “Channeling Asset-Managed Sukuk towards SMEs financing: Sukuk Mudaraba prototype applied to a French SME”. Si vous souhaitez participer à ce séminaire, vous pouvez vous inscrire en

Azurite Courtage lance le troisième contrat d’assurance vie Takaful en France

près Salam Epargne et Placement, de Swiss Life/Noorassur, et Amâne Exclusive Life, de Vitis Life, c’est au tour du courtier grossiste Azurite Courtage, basé à Vitrolles (Bouches-du-Rhône), de proposer un contrat d’assurance vie Takaful répondant aux principes de la charia. Intitulé Ethra’a Takaful Famille, il a été lancé au tout début du mois de janvier, en partenariat avec AtlanticLux, filiale luxembourgeoise du groupe allemand FWU AG. Erwin Marzolf, dirigeant de Azurite Courtage, s’est fixé pour objectif un millier de contrats d’ici la fin de l’année.

France and Islamic Finance

CEO of the Franco-American Alliance for Islamic Finance (FAAIF) Camille Paldi explains that there is a huge potential for Islamic finance in France. This is due to the fact that France is the fourth-ranked financial market worldwide and number one in the Eurozone and desires to attract liquidity from cash rich Gulf investors and Asia. This factor coupled with a large Muslim population and an open-minded and financially savvy general populace equates to a large success factor for Islamic finance in France. French officials forecast that France may attract US$120 Billion in Islamic assets through lending and investments in French businesses, property, and financial markets by 2020.

Bahrain's GFH inks JV deal to kickstart $3bn Tunis project

Bahrain-based Gulf Finance House has signed a joint venture with France's Alliance International Holding which is likely to kick-start the Tunis Bay project. Tunis Bay is part of the overall $3 billion Tunis Financial Harbour project. Alliance International Holding is a French consortium which specialises in the building of golf course projects and new community developments. It said it has signed a deal with the GFH-owned Tunis Bay Project Company which will see more than 800,000 sq m of land developed into a golf course with surrounding villas and apartments. Construction work by the joint venture will start next year as part of the first phase of the Tunis Bay development.

HBMSU & Paris Dauphine University sign MoU to cooperate in Islamic Finance education and training

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) and Paris Dauphine University (UPD) have entered into a landmark agreement to extend cooperation in Islamic Finance education and training. Both parties will work closely to design programs and initiatives in Islamic Finance tailored for the GCC and MENA regions. They will also jointly develop curricula that will give full credit for courses taken in either of the institutions.

Ethics Advisor with Unesco

Building dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples, UNESCO is realising a global vision of sustainable development founded on human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty. In this high profile position, you will make certain that we demonstrate the highest standards of accountability, transparency and integrity, and will report directly to our Director-General.

From day to day, you will guide managers and their staff on best practice, ensure compliance with agreed policies and procedures, and oversee our Declaration of Interest and Financial Disclosure Programme. At the same time, you will take the lead on whistleblower protection and anti-harassment initiatives, whilst delivering in-depth training to your colleagues and overseeing the development of your own team.


La Française AM created Islamic real estate fund

La Française AM created several OPCI funds, including one OPCI Charia for the account of one of the largest Islamic banks and financial institutions of Kuwait.

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