In #India Jammu and Kashmir Bank said it was ready to offer Islamic banking, if the Reserve Bank of India approved the move. The bank's newly-appointed chairman Parvez Ahmad said there was a strong demand for such banking service in Kashmir but RBI would need to examine the proposal. RBI has recently suggested to explore the modalities of introducing interest-free banking products in the country in consultation with the government.
In #India Jammu and Kashmir Bank is willing to offer Islamic banking to its customers. Chairman Parvez Ahmad said there was great demand for Islamic Banking in the state, so the bank would examine the proposal after taking the Reserve Bank on board. As far as the JK Bank positioning is concerned, it has 63% share on the asset side, 62% share on the deposit side, out of 862 branches, 745 are in the state, out of 1030 ATMs, 950 in JK state, 90% of the population is dealing with JK Bank. Ahmad added that other banks were only offering products and services, JK Bank was more concerned about the development of JK state as a whole.