Islamic Economic Journal of King Abdulaziz Journal online:
JKAU: Islamic Econ., Vol. 28 No. 1, 230 Pages (2015 A.D./1436 A.H.)
DOI: 10.4197/Islec. 28-1
- Islam?c Wealth Management in History and at Present
Murat Çizakça ............................................................................................. 3
- Loan Loss Provisioning in OIC Countries: Evidence from Conventional vs. Islamic Banks
Ali Ashraf, M. Kabir Hassan, and Syed Abul Basher .......................... ..... 23
Discussion Paper
Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intentions of Muslim Employees to Contribute to
Cash-Waqf Through Salary Deductions
Anwar Allah Pitchay, Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera and
Muhammad Yusuf Saleem …………………… ……….................. 63
Discussion Forum
- Severe Financial Crises and Fundamental Reforms: The Benefits of Risk-Sharing
Hossein Askari ....................................................................................... 101
- Why Economists (and Economies) Should Love Islamic Finance
Jan - June 2014 issue of the Malaysian ICM bulletin published by the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) is now available online.
Islamic fund and wealth management is an integral component of Islamic financial system. This is attributed to the significant rise in income and wealth of certain Islamic countries over the last four decades as well as the emergence of Islamic finance as a viable alternative to conventional finance. The benefits of Islamic fund and wealth management cut across racial and religious boundaries as it not only benefit Muslims who wish to see their wealth preserved and enhanced within the Shariah framework, but also to non-Muslims who may view this from an ethical perspective of managing wealth.
Due to the enormous requests received during the past few weeks IdealRatings research team conducted Shariah screening on the recent Twitter, Inc. IPO and the stock is to be considered Shariah compliant and eligible for investment as per AAOIFI guidelines.
contact for further details
The prime theme of this event will be the impact of the recent rapid changes on the
Islamic finance sector in all pertinent aspects. The Conference will consider the
spectacular political and socio-economic developments that we have been witnessing and
their probable effects on the performance and future position of Islamic financial
institutions (IFI’s), the regulatory set-ups, and popularity of Islamic products being
offered to the public, governments and business firms.
The Conference is being organised by Emerald Group Publishing, the world’s leading
scholarly publisher of journals and books on business and management. Over 220
academic journals are currently published by Emerald, covering some 24 managerial
disciplines, in addition to a strong and growing presence in other related fields such as
LIS, social sciences, and engineering.
This Conference follows on the success of the Global Islamic Marketing Conference held
in Dubai over the period 20-22 March 2011, organised by Emerald in association with the
United Arab Emirates University.
Conference Objective
The chief objective of the forthcoming Conference is to assess the future of this sector,
University Strassbourg is conducting a conference about Islamic retail banking for France, an opportunity to invest? The event is in French. More details below:
Nous vous invitons à participer à la *36ème Conférence PHARE* organisée par l'/Ecole de Management de Strasbourg/ et /E.M. Strasbourg Partenaires /*à l'occasion de l'ouverture de la 4ème promotion du Diplôme d'université Finance Islamique* en janvier 2012 *sur le thème :
*"La banque de détail islamique en France :
un nouveau marché à investir ? "**
Jeudi 1er Décembre 2011 à 18h00 à l'EM Strasbourg - 61, Avenue de la Forêt-Noire*/ Cette conférence sera suivie d'un cocktail offert par EM Strasbourg-Partenaires dans les locaux de l'EM Strasbourg/
_Animée par :_
. Michel STORCK, Professeur des universités affilié à l'EM Strasbourg, Co-responsable du Diplôme d'Université (D.U.) «Finance islamique»***
_Intervenants :_
** .** Sâmi HAZOUG, Coordinateur pédagogique du D.U. «Finance
islamique»* - EM Strasbourg
**.** Laurent WEILL, Professeur des universités affilié à l'EM Strasbourg,Co-responsable du D.U. «Finance islamique»*
**.** Le représentant d'une banque