It seem like the ongoing bitter battle between the managers of Sabana Shariah-compliant Reit and some disgruntled investors will come to a head at an extraordinary general meeting End of April which has been called at the behest of 66 unit holders who began a campaign against Sabana Real Estate Investment Management.
Reason was dissatisfaction with the Reit manager's lacklustre performance and 3 years of falling distributions per unit. At the EGM 4 resolutions will be tabled one of which ask for Sabana Real Estate Investment Management to be removed.
Sabana Real Estate Investment Management, as the manager of Sabana Shari'ah-compliant Real Estate Investment Trust (Sabana REIT) has announced that SGD 1.5 million in aggregate principal amount of the SGD 80.0 million 4.50 per cent Convertible Sukuk due 2017, issued by Sabana Treasury, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sabana REIT and convertible into units of Sabana REIT have been converted and cancelled pursuant to the exercise of conversion rights by the holders thereof. Following the above conversion, an aggregate of 1,257,018 new Units have been issued at the conversion price of SGD 1.1933 per Unit, and the total Units in issue is 648,711,000. As at 21 June 2013, the aggregate principal amount of Convertible Sukuk remaining outstanding following such conversion and cancellation is SGD 72.5 million.