In celebration of Global Money Week (GMW), SEDCO Holding Group is organizing the Second Financial Dignity Summit under the theme — Money and business — on March 17, in King Abdulaziz University (KAU). The summit will encompass several activities around financial dignity to raise awareness about saving and budgeting. The week-long summit has already simultaneously begun on March 10, during GMW. The summit agenda includes presentations by local successful entrepreneurs. During the summit, 5 shortlisted candidates for the Riyali Young Entrepreneurs’ award will be presenting their projects for a chance to win a substantial financial prize.
Islamic Economic Journal of King Abdulaziz Journal online:
JKAU: Islamic Econ., Vol. 28 No. 1, 230 Pages (2015 A.D./1436 A.H.)
DOI: 10.4197/Islec. 28-1
- Islam?c Wealth Management in History and at Present
Murat Çizakça ............................................................................................. 3
- Loan Loss Provisioning in OIC Countries: Evidence from Conventional vs. Islamic Banks
Ali Ashraf, M. Kabir Hassan, and Syed Abul Basher .......................... ..... 23
Discussion Paper
Factors Influencing the Behavioral Intentions of Muslim Employees to Contribute to
Cash-Waqf Through Salary Deductions
Anwar Allah Pitchay, Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera and
Muhammad Yusuf Saleem …………………… ……….................. 63
Discussion Forum
- Severe Financial Crises and Fundamental Reforms: The Benefits of Risk-Sharing
Hossein Askari ....................................................................................... 101
- Why Economists (and Economies) Should Love Islamic Finance