Bill Gates

Bill Gates Says ICOs And Cryptos Can Be ‘Super Risky’

In a recent ask me anything (AMA) session on Reddit Bill Gates talked about his view on cryptocurrencies and the future of transportation. He believes that the speculative wave around initial coin offerings (ICOs) and cryptocurrencies is super risky for those who go long. As cryptocurrencies are used for buying drugs, the technology has already caused deaths in a direct way. About transportation Bill Gates is doubtful about the pressurized capsule technology called Hyperloop, but he believes in electric cars and autonomous vehicles. In Japan Nissan and DeNA are planning a test run of a self-driving taxi service dubbed Easy Ride. In the USA Ford is launching a new partnership with Postmates to test its self-driving technology for deliveries.

Qatar helps Bill Gates tackle poverty with $50 million pledge

Qatar has teamed up with American billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft Bill Gates to combat poverty. Representatives from the Qatar Development Fund pledged $50 million to the Lives and Livelihood Fund, a $2.5 billion fund established by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Islamic Development Bank, in an effort to provide financing for some of the world’s poorest Muslim countries through grants and shariah-compliant loans at below market rates. The fund’s projects will focus on four areas including infectious diseases control and eradication, primary healthcare, agriculture and food security, and basic infrastructure.

Bill Gates looking to reduce Muslim poverty

Microsoft founder Bill Gates says a growing culture of philanthropy in Muslim countries may draw in more donations for his Lives and Livelihood fund aimed at reducing poverty in the Muslim world. Gates spoke on the sidelines of the Heroes of Polio Eradication Awards in Abu Dhabi on Sunday. He said low oil prices and tight budgets in the Gulf are making it harder to raise money for the fund, but that the Muslim world is home to some of the world's top donors. The Gates Foundation pledged $100 million to the fund, and the Islamic development bank put up another $100 million. This leaves the donor target of $300 million. Gates also said the world is "on track" to eradicate Polio by 2019.

Bill Gates joins the IDB

In accordance with his tendency to use his fortune to solve global problems of the world’s underprivileged, Bill Gates has turned to Islamic Development Bank (IDB). The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has signed an MOU with IDB which aims to fight communicable disease and food insecurity in poor countries. In a five-year plan established by the MOU, projects concerning agricultural development, malaria prevention and elimination as well as polio eradication will be worked on. Third World countries included in the plan are Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria.

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UAE firm partners Gates Foundation in health initiative

According to an announcement, Al Ansari Exchange and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will sign a partnership of $10 million (Dh36.72 million). The partnership aims to support two significant health issues: polio eradication and treatment and prevention of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). The agreement will start with an initial co-funded contribution of $4 million in support of polio eradication activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Prevention and treatment of NTDs in sub-Saharan Africa is planned as well. The partnership initiatives shall represent focused, strategic philanthropy and have a strong positive effect on the life of people in the poorest countries.

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Will Bill Gates and Warren Buffett visit Turkey?

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett began an expedition in order to promote their commitment named ‘Giving Pledge’. This commitment is an engagement made by billionaires to give away at least half of their wealth.
The question is if the next stop for this programme is Turkey.
At this point this programme appears to be not so welcomed, as in China Buffett and Gates got a pretty indifferent response, in public at least, and none of India’s economic winners has yet signed on.

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