Al Amal Microfinance Bank wins Islamic Microfinance Challenge 2010

Al Amal Microfinance Bank of Yemen has been awarded US$104,000 under the Islamic Microfinance Challenge 2010, a partnership launched to encourage the reach of Islamic financial services to micro-entrepreneurs.
CGAP, Deutsche Bank, Grameen-Jameel Pan Arab Microfinance, and Islamic Development Bank partnered to sponsor this global competition to uncover viable business models that provide microfinance products compatible with Islamic law, or Shariah.

Islamic Microfinance - Business Proposal Competition

CGAP, Deutsche Bank, Islamic Development Bank, and Grameen-Jameel announced the Islamic Microfinance Challenge 2010: Innovating Sustainable, Scalable, and Market-Driven Models. The contest is a joint initiative to promote the innovative design of Shariah-compliant products for Islamic microfinance clients.

The organizers are seeking original Islamic microfinance business proposals which are profitable, sustainable, scalable, and Shariah-compliant. Finalists of this competition will be awarded with grant funds as well as need-based technical support to launch a pilot project of their proposed business idea.

It offers a unique opportunity to showcase innovative business ideas, gain industry-wide recognition, and benefit from the funds and technical expertise of leading institutions in the microfinance and Islamic finance sectors.

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