#UAE-based MAG Lifestyle Development has announced that it will accept OneGramCoin (OGC) as payment for real estate it sells. This move offers real estate investors an opportunity to utilize their digital assets while also welcoming OGC into the mainstream with a practical application in the property sphere. Bitcoin and other digital currencies are struggling to enter the mainstream in the Middle East, where the fundamentally speculative and high-risk character of cryptocurrencies does not go with the local investment culture. As the first Islamic Sharia-sanctioned digital currency, OGC is entering to fill this void. Each OGC is supported by a gram of gold, something that makes sure the cryptocurrency stays capitalized and stable. According to MAG, trade will go live in June 2018. Investors will buy OGC to the price of the property and get a 5% discount on the property cost consequently. OGC will then go to MAG based on the payment plan, which is 35% over six to nine months and 65% on completion at 2019’s end.