According to a report from the Oxford Business Group Brunei's financial system is in transition to one in which Islamic banking and takaful are the dominant forms of banking and insurance. The publication of the Report says that in 2014, Brunei two Islamic banks, Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei and Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam had a total combined assets of $7.9 billion at the end of 2013. Takaful is also dominant in the general insurance sector with a 68 per cent share of the general insurance and takaful assets. Insurance Islam TAIB and Takaful Brunei compete in Brunei’s insurance market.
Saudi Arabia's Kafala loan guarantee program proves to be a vital conduit between banks and smaller businesses, a report recently produced by the global publishing firm Oxford Business Group (OBG) revealed. The Report: "Saudi Arabia 2014" provides extensive coverage on the national drive to boost lending activity and facilitate growth in the Kingdom's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The report also looks in detail at the impact of e-banking and online services. Facing lengthy bureaucratic procedures and licensing is a big problem for SMEs. Another problem is accounting, as most SMEs are single proprietor companies, and the distinction between company and private assets is often hazy.
Indonesia is seeking to further develop its Islamic banking sector, looking to tap into the growing market for sharia-compliant financial instruments, though it still has some way to go before being able to match the major players in the segment.
Malaysia is well placed to weather the global financial crisis, well capitalised and with adequate liquidity, Bank Negara Malaysia governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz told the Oxford Business Group (OBG), a global publishing, research and consultancy firm. She said several years of reforms, institutional development and capacity building, continuous efforts to enhance corporate governance and risk management standards and practices had significantly strengthened Malaysia’s banking system.
OBG is to publish The Report: Malaysia 2009, the latest of its annual business guides, with a comprehensive review of the country’s economy.