This week, 40 young leaders from the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers community will travel to the Vatican to hold a private audience with Pope Francis. They are there to respond to a question posed by the pontiff: how do we create a new global mindset that can overcome social and economic exclusion? The challenge of overcoming socio-economic exclusion is too large for governments, charities, non-profits and agencies to tackle alone. The private sector has played a crucial role in catalysing important advances in health, engineering, communications and technology.
The Vatican called for an overhaul of the world’s financial systems, and again proposed establishment of a supranational authority, reported the New York Times.
Original in wording in Italian:
Loretta Napoleoni and Claudia Segre suggesting in the Vatican related L'Osservatore Romano, that Islamic finance offers ideas for the Western financial crisis. Citing the main concepts of Islamic finance and emphasizing specifically Sukuk.
The original article is in Italian linked via Source.