Linar Yakupov

#Russia makes further steps into the world of Islamic banking

Vnesheconombank, Sberbank and Tatfondbank are going to take part in the 23rdWorld Islamic Banking Conference in Bahrain from 5 to 7 of December 2016. The three banks are working on launching Islamic finance products to get access to the investors from the Gulf countries and Southeast Asia. According to Linar Yakupov, head of the Association of Regional Investment Agencies of the Russian Federation, there is growing interest from other 20 Russian banks. However, the current legislation system of Russia complicates the progress. It forbids banks from engaging in commercial activities, so they can operate only a limited range of assets.

Russian financiers focus on ethical finance

The leading Russian companies consider Islamic finance as a new and effective source of capital attraction. The issue of forming a collaboration with the Middle East and Southeast Asia capital markets will be discussed at the debate seminar of the Russian finance directors’ club.
The financiers of the largest Russian companies such as Vnesheconombank, Rosselkhozbank, Rosevrobank, SIBUR holding, the RUSSIAN INVESTMENT SOCIETY, VTB Capital Investment Management, Svyaztransneft, Inteco, Promsvyazkapital, Far East energy Management Company, INTERAVIAGAZ and others have confirmed their participation in the conventional meeting.
The key topic of the seminar – «Crisis – it is time to make an important decisions. TODAY IS TOO EARLY, TOMORROW WILL BE TOO LATE». The discussions will also touch on the issues of economic situation and risks assessment, forecasts, collaboration with banks, financing import from the West Europe with the assistance of the export and credit agency. The first Vice-President of the Russian finance directors’ club Tamara Kasyanova, who is in the top 100 of the Russian economy and finance experts, will hold the seminar.

Linar Yakupov is on the list of the most influential figures in Islamic finance

Linar Yakupov is marked out in ISLAMICA 500, the unique project of ISFIN, the largest consulting organization for the Islamic financial markets.
In ISLAMICA 500, data on leading experts in area of Islamic economy and the "halal" industry from around the world are published. The peculiar guide contains curriculum vitae about each of experts, whose efforts and achievements formed the basis of development of the Islamic economy on a global scale. The encyclopedia contains information on pioneers of the Islamic finance world, Muslims and non-Muslims, men and women who represents a range economy sectors: finance, science, business, politics, the international relations, the law, mass media and the capital markets – all the areas that exert influence on Islamic economy.

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