Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association

The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association Discusses Role Of Fixed Income Market at World Green Economy Summit

The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association (GBSA), the trade association representing the Arabian Gulf fixed income market, moderated a panel at the World Green Energy Summit in Dubai titled 'The Race for Green Finance/Green Funds and Bonds.' The session connected senior figures from government institutions with global energy players and highlighted the need for financial innovation in green energy funding. Panelists included Abdul Nasser Abbas, Senior Director of Treasury at Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), Annette Eberhard, CEO of Denmark's Export Credit Fund, Sean Kidney, CEO of Climate Bonds, Jarett Carson, Managing Director of EnerTech Capital, and Ben Cotton, Partner at Earth Capital Partners.

The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association Endorses Terms for Collective Action Clauses for Middle East Sovereign Bonds

The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association (GBSA), the trade association representing the Arabian Gulf fixed income market, has endorsed proposed standard language for collective action clauses and pari passu clauses for sovereign bond contracts. The language would enhance the predictability and orderliness of sovereign debt restructurings by bolstering existing "collective action clauses" through the introduction of a single vote mechanism that would bind all bondholders to a restructuring proposal, as long as 75 percent of bondholders vote in favor. The documents and further information are available on the website of International Capital Market Association:

The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association talks Sukuk with African Finance Leaders

The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association (GBSA) held a seminar on Islamic finance in Dakar, Senegal last week at the Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A) Partnership Forum. The seminar covered key concepts in Islamic finance as well as current trends in the Sukuk market and the use of Shari’ah-compliant financing as a development tool. GBSA President Michael Grifferty said it has to be ensured that African companies and sovereigns are aware of all financing options available along with the respective risks and rewards.

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