Jordan's Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury and President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Mohammad Ali have singed a $200,000 grant agreement under which the bank will finance capacity building project for societies. The agreement aims to improve the quality of life in rural areas to curb poverty, increase economic growth and integrate the poor in the local community. The total cost of the project stands at $350,000, $200,000 of which will be covered by the Islamic Development Bank while the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) will contribute $100,000 and the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development $50,000. Fakhoury stressed the need to support the plan to enable Jordan to deal with the issue of hosting Syrian refugees.
The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has launched The Assistance For Trade in the Arab States (AFTIAS) aimed at boosting trade and economy as well as creating jobs in the Arab countries. Dr. Waleed Al-Wohaib, CEO of the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) and Chairman of Board of the initiative, said the ITFC would work side-by-side with international organizations that would implement the initiative to guarantee its success. The initiative consists of five UN agencies: the UN Development Program (UNDP), the UN Conference of Trade And Development (UNCTAD), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the International Trade Center. It also include the Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Agadir Technical Unit and the Arab Maghreb Union, in addition to seven donor parties.