Iqbal Khan

Sovereign wealth funds uplift Muslim world with Fajr Capital

Backed by sovereign funds Iqbal Khan and his private equity firm Fajr Capital invests for financial and social returns ins Muslim countries. Fajr is a union of institutions that have high credibility and share the same values. CEO Iqbal Khan sees it as his mission to broaden the educated Muslim middle class.

Waqaf, zakat are areas of growth in Islamic finance

As the global hub of Islamic finance, waqaf and zakat (tithe) management are key areas of growth for Malaysia. In a public lecture titled "Our Markets, Our Values — A principles-based approach to creating value in Muslim majority markets" in Kuala Lumpur, Iqbal Khan - CEO of Fajr Capital Ltd - pointed out that the goof position of Malaysia and the already existing regulations provide a stable ground for a number of areas of growth in terms of Islamic finance. His lecture particularly stressed on developments and key issues in the Muslim-majority markets.

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