Professor Dr. Normah Omar

Islamic Csr Framework Ready For Adoption Next Year

It is expected by early next year that the Islamic corporate social responsibility (i-CSR) General Practice framework will be ready for adoption by Islamic financial institutions. The framework has been developed by the Accounting Research Institute (ARI) of Universiti Teknologi Mara. It is now almost completed. ARI researchers at the UITM-ACCA Asia-Pacific Centre of Sustainability (APCeS) worked in collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Indonesia's Sebelas Maret University and Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. According to Professor Dr. Normah Omar - director of ARI - Shariah players including local Ulama (Islamic scholars) will be engaged by the institute in order to firm up a couple of details on the framework in a two-day workshop beginning on November 29th.

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