Hans Sicat

PHL bourse tags Sharia-compliant firms to tap Muslim investments

The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) tags Sharia-compliant companies in the bourse to attract more funds and, this way, to become part of the trillion-dollar investments of Muslims worldwide. Since investors from Mindanao have preferences regarding investment favouring Indonesia and Malaysia, the company is making a list. Hans Sicat, president of PSE, pointed out that investors' money amounting to more than trillion dollars could be going into Sharia-compliant companies. According to expectations, the list is to be released next year.

PSE to finish Shariah-compliant stocks list

The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) plans to finish a list of Shariah-compliant stocks by next year. This way, it hopes to attract local and foreign Muslim investors. The ideas for next year include an index as well. Working together with National Commission for Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), they hope to contribute to the project and have already gathered experts from Shariah-compliant boards to discuss the processes.

Read more on: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/business/10/26/12/pse-finish-shariah-complian...

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