Islamic Finance Advisory & Assurance Services

Over 70 per cent of Belgium Muslims interested in Islamic finance

Belgium’s first independent market study "Islamic finance in Belgium – sizing the retail market" points out that over 70 per cent of local Muslims are interested in Islamic finance products and services. The study was independently commissioned by the Association for the Development of Islamic Finance (ADEFI) in conjunction with IFAAS (Islamic Finance Advisory & Assurance Services). It analyses Muslim consumers’ current consumption of financial products and services and their predisposition to change from conventional products to Islamic products.

85% of Omani consumers want Islamic finance products

A study published by the Islamic Finance Advisory & Assurance Services shows that a strong appetite among Omani consumers for Islamic finance existats, with many looking forward to take it up as soon as it becomes available on the market.
The report examines the retail market for Islamic Finance in Oman across all sectors including banking, finance and insurance. As a conclusion, it seems that 85% of consumers in Oman expressed an interest in Islamic Finance products, of which 59% were very interested and 26% quite interested.

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