Halal Industrial Park

Halal Industrial Park Baltach (HIP "Baltach")

Press Release:

On November 19, 2010 Halal Industrial Park Baltach (HIP "Baltach") was
officialy launched in Tatarstan. This is the first project in Russia, aimed
at developing of small and medium-sized businesses in the Halal industry.
The aim of the project is deep processing of agricultural products grown by
private holdings, farmers, and creation of conditions and opportunities for
small and medium-sized businesses for production of agricultural products -
and as a result increase in added value and provision of budgetary tax

The main advantage of Halal Industrial Park "Baltach" is to optimize the
costs for small and medium-sized businesses on the maintenance of a common
infrastructure. Halal Industrial Park "Baltach" provides its residents with
an outsourcing services: distribution of finished products, consultations
on all matters, housekeeping services, engineering, logistics, transport
maintenance, accounting, legal services as well as 24 security services for
the producers - residents of the park, to concentrate on their businesses
growth. Thus, on the costs of the common scales of the project

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