Zubair Mughal

Islamic banking witnessed slow pace in Arab region during 2016

Due to sharp declining trend in oil prices, slow economic pace and Arab spring, the trend of the Islamic Banking & Finance had been slow in 2016 in the Middle East and Arab region. A sufficient development was recorded in Africa, Central Asia and Far East, especially in the African market. Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Pakistan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain are prominent where the contribution of their total assets of Islamic banking is 82% to the Global Islamic Banking market. According to a research by CIBE CEO Zubair Mughal, there will be a steady growth of approximately 13% to 15% in Islamic finance market during 2017 and the total volume of Islamic finance will cross $3 trillion figure by 2020, which will be accompanied by a definite addition of Sukuk along with Islamic banking. While the Sukuk market in Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Turkey, Central Asian countries and Africa seem determined in 2017.

Islamic Finance is an Ideal tool of Financial Inclusion

Islamic Finance is an ideal tool of financial inclusion and can address the poverty issues in East Africa effectively, according to Mr. Zubair Mughal, the Chief Executive Officer of AlHuda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE). He was addressing a gathering of the banking and financial industry of Tanzania in Dar es Salaam during an Islamic Banking and Finance event. The overall objective of the event was to create awareness, knowledge development and sharing the best practices of Islamic Banking and Finance with local financial market, so that the Tanzanian Islamic financial market could be established with solid footing using Shariah & technical expertise as concrete.

West Africa an Emerging Market of Islamic Finance: Zubair Mughal

There is an ample scope of Islamic banking and finance in western Africa and Senegal can play a vital role in elevating it through the countries. This was said by Muhammad Zubair Mughal, Chief Executive Officer AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics (CIBE) while attending an international seminar on Takaful. Delegates from Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Guinea and other countries of western Africa participated in the stated seminar. Mr. Mughal added that AlHuda CIBE has chalked down a robust strategy to promote Islamic banking and finance in West African countries. He announced that AlHuda CIBE with its strategic partner AAMAS Africa will organize an international conference on Islamic banking and finance in Dakar in December 2015.

International Conference in Indonesia: poverty alleviation: Islamic microfinance termed best solution

CEO of AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics - Zubair Mughal - explained at an International Microfinance Conference in at an International Microfinance Conference that in the time of the global financial crisis even developed countries are making efforts to fight the global issue of poverty. The conference was organised by the Government of Indonesia together with the World Bank. 600 people took part in the conference, among them delegates and experts from 30 different countries. Some of the prominent participants were President of Indonesia Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Noble Prize Winner Dr Muhammad Yunus, Director of Global Microcredit Summit Campaign Dr Larry Reed, and Mayada El. Zoghbhi from the World Bank.

Read more on: http://www.brecorder.com/money-a-banking/198/1253396/

Islamic microfinance can work with all models

Microfinance is compatible to work with any model of icrofinance and it presents the alternative to all the products of conventional system.
Zubair Mughal, Chief Executive Officer of AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking and Economics Pakistan, underlined the fact that Islam has given the best system for poverty alleviation and both Muslims and non-Muslims will have the possiblity to benefit from it.



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