There are several ways for financial advisors to diversify an investment portfolio. For example, the James Biblically Responsible Investment ETF (JBRI) tries to reflect the performance of the James Biblically Responsible Investment Index. Indexing methodology screens out or excludes companies engaged in activities that are objectionable from a biblical perspective. This type of indexing methodology is a subset of the broader socially responsible investing branch of investments where investors try to achieve profitable investment goals while still adhering to one's principles. According to James Investment Research, JBRI is constructing a portfolio comprised of the most attractive stocks meeting Christian principles and criteria. The fund can be used as a core equity holding, an ESG option, or as a Smart Beta holding.
Last week, Arcapita took on Tide Natural Gas Storage LP's contention that Arcapita's bankruptcy plan shouldn't be approved by a judge because of $70 million it says it is owed.The $70 million lies in an escrow account and stems from Tide's 2010 purchase of natural-gas storage facilities from an Arcapita subsidiary. Tide has been fighting for the money in U.S. district court in Manhattan for two years saying its claim to the $70 million shouldn't be placed behind the claims of other creditors. In its filing made last week, Arcapita says the $70 million claim by Tide should be subordinated to those of other creditors. The filing comes as Arcapita tries to finalize its exit from Chapter 11. Tide lawyers have said they will most likely fight the plan at a hearing next month.
The European Islamic Investment Bank PLC (EIIB.LN) said Tuesday it has sold a financing facility provided to Arcapita for $8.1 million in cash to Barclays Bank. The facility, dating from 2007, formed part of a syndicated loan facility which was due for repayment in March 2012. However, Arcapita defaulted on its payment obligations and in early 2012 announced that it had filed for Chapter 11 protection in the U.S. The sale will result in a total charge of $6.9 million in the results to December 2012.
Some 2,300 international investors, a 12% increase on the same period 2009, have already signed up for the 21st edition of MIPIM (Cannes from March 16-19), as executives report improved confidence in the real estate market and economic recovery opens the door to new investment opportunities. Other major investment topics on the conference agenda include the presentation by Khaled Al-Aboodi, CEO of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (Saudi Arabia), who will talk about Islamic finance.