Islamic banking is increasingly attracting global funds. Mark Mobius, executive chairman at Templeton Emerging Markets Group sees great potential in Islamic finance and emerging markets. Tepleton invested $1.2 bn in sukuk alone and plans to invest more. Emerging markets have been negative in the last 3 years, but are now growing rapidly. The trend is towards greater privatization, more fairness and more disclosure.
Dr. Mark Mobius, Executive Chairman, Templeton Asset Management, is set to give a Special Keynote address at the CIBAFI Global Forum to be held in Bahrain. Mr Mobius will cover the following topics: Thoughts on how finance can contribute to sustainable growth of the economy; Insights on how financial markets in the global and emerging markets are expected to perform; Expert views on MENA market and the impact of oil prices on economies; Assessment of and what structural reforms are required to spur good growth; The potential growth markets in mid-to- long terms; Lessons for Islamic finance.
The efforts of proponents of Shariah-compliant investment in Malaysia, Dubai and elsewhere were fruitful in 2014. Several Sukuk offerings from non-Muslim countries represented a major breakthrough for a type of product that had previously been largely local in nature. Shariah-compliant equity and Sukuk investments remain relatively small in scale. Islamic finance is still a young industry in comparison with its conventional counterpart, growing fast but still representing a small fraction of global financial assets. The bulk of industry assets are still accounted for by Islamic bank deposit accounts.
Mark Mobius will lead the Templeton Shariah Asian Growth Fund that is to be launched at the end of this month by investment house Franklin Templeton. The initial seed capital of the fund is $5mn. Mobius expects the sector to grow significantly in the coming years. Franklin Templeton is also launching a Global Sukuk Fund, with $20mn of seed money to invest in Islamic bonds, and a Shariah Global Equity Fund, with $5mn of initial capital.
Mark Mobius, who oversees $33 billion in emerging-market securities as chairman of Templeton Asset Management Ltd., said he’s looking into setting up a Malaysia-based stock fund that’s compliant with Islamic law.