Virus crisis highlights potential role of Islamic finance in reaching sustainable development goals

Amid an ongoing severe global healthcare crisis some research institutions and scientific entities are wondering if and how the world will change after the virus has eventually subsided. A new report issued last week is shedding light on the anticipated fundamental changes of the corporate world in terms of economic and social sustainability. The report is entitled "Islamic Finance and the SDGs: Framing the Opportunity" and is released as the first edition of the new "Thought Leadership Series" by the Islamic Finance Council UK (UKIFC) in partnership with the International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance. The report states that the Islamic finance industry could play a key role in contributing to achieving the SGDs formulated by the United Nations. The UKIFC acknowledges that Islamic finance institutions are just at an early stage of engagement with the SDGs. Steps to be taken were therefore an improvement in understanding of how any given organization can effectively engage with the SDGs.