Title: Second Workshop on Islamic Finance "What Islamic Finance does (not) change"
Begin: 17.03.2010
End: 17.03.2010
European Research Group (Groupement de Recherche Européen (GDRE)) “Money, Banking & Finance” (Monnaie Banque Finance) and its working group Financial and Monetary European Integration (Intégration Monétaire et Financière Européenne); EM Strasbourg Business School; LARGE Research Center; Institut de Finance de Strasbourg
Contact: Laurent Weill (laurent.weill@unistra.fr)
Website: http://www.univ-orleans.fr/deg/GDRecomofi/Pres/CallMarch2010final.doc
Call for Papers: 18.12.2009
Abstract: With the forthcoming venue of Islamic banks in France and the worldwide growth of Islamic finance, the impact of Islamic banking presence and more generally of Islamic finance activities becomes of utmost interest. This academic workshop aims investigating these changes and more globally enhancing the scientific knowledge on Islamic finance.
After established the first diploma in Islamic Finance in continental Europe in January 2009, EM Strasbourg Business School will welcome this workshop.