Special Issue - Call for Papers on Financial Crisis

The International Journal of Islamic & Middle Eastern Finance and Management has decided to publish a special issue of the journal, focusing on the latest financial crisis, and how this has related to Islamic financial institutions.

Other relevant points include:

  • Proposed title of the special issue: Islamic Financial Institutions and the Global Financial Crisis 2008/09.
  • Deadline for receiving papers: Friday, February 12th, 2010
  • Date of publication: fourth issue of Volume 3 (2010).
  • Papers will be reviewed in the normal fashion.
  • Technical notes will also be acceptable, and they will be assessed in the usual manner.
  • We are likely to have a total of five articles in the issue.
  • Books relevant to this major event can also be reviewed for the issue.
  • All branches of the Islamic financial services sector can be covered in materials within this issue, including banking, insurance (i.e. takaful), fund management, investment portfolios, business management etc.
  • Guidelines relating to submission are the same as advertised.
  • This special issue will be in lieu of the normal fourth issue in 2010.
  • All aspects of the global financial crisis can be looked at, including its origins, governmental programmes and cooperation, measurement of success, regulation, and long-term consequences.
  • The focus of the special issue will be on the impact of all aspects of the crisis on Islamic financial institutions, as well as the reactions of the latter, and their success or failure in this regard. A significant plank of this focus is the possible comparison between conventional institutions and Islamic ones.

If you wish to contribute please contact the editor directly with reference to IslamicFinance.de:

Kadom Shubber kadom.shubber@btinternet.com

Another publication of Emeraldinsight has published already a special issue but without focus on Islamic finance and Middle East:

Special Issue - 'Reflections on a global financial crisis' - free access

the latest issue of critical perspectives on international business, published by Emerald, is available online. We are proud to bring you a double special issue entitled ‘Reflections on a global financial crisis’ – one of the first collections of scholarly articles to be published on the subject. The list of articles is below.
