Panin Bank Syariah seeks hajj fund worth 1.5 trillion IDR

Panin Bank Syariah, the Islamic banking unit of Bank Panin Indonesia, plans to provide prospective hajj saving service for hajj and umrah. Managing Director of Panin Bank Syariah, Deny Hendrawati, said that company targeted hajj and umrah fund between 1 trillion to 1.5 trillion IDR from four thousand to five thousand customers. Panin Bank Syariah also develops its e-banking service. E-banking service is connected online to the Integrated Hajj Computerized System (Siskohat) at the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Hence, the customer's name who meets the minium saving will be automatically enlisted as a prospective hajj. According to central bank's new rule, Bank Panin Syariah can use its 500 parents' networks across Indonesia.