Indonesia’s BMT Microfinance system should be introduced Globally: Zubair Mughal

Baittul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT) Microfinance system which is being working in Indonesia should be introduced all-around the globe as the best system to eliminate poverty, Chief Executive Officer of Al-Huda Center of Islamic Banking and Economics Mr. Muhammad Zubair Mughal said. He was speaking at the International conference for “ Empowering SMEs for Financial Inclusion and Growth” held in Indonesia. During his address Mr. Zubair Mughal said, BMT has played an important role for the alleviation of poverty in Indonesia but unfortunately, these methods are being limited to Indonesia only. He stated that new Islamic Microfinance methods of BMT should be available along with Murabaha, Salam, Mudarabah, Qarz-e-Hasna and Waqf to Islamic Microfinance Institutes globally. He further added that Islamic Microfinance is very important along with branchless banking, product innovation and financial literacy in order to achieve financial inclusion for the Muslim population. The Global Islamic Microfinance Forum is going to be held on October 16, 2013 in Dubai, to compile the strategy to strengthen the Islamic Microfinance industry, he ended.

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