UNEP Finance Initiative elects David Pitt-Watson and Madeleine Ronquest as Co-Chairs and seeks new head to lead the Initiative

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has elected its two new Co-Chairs to steer the initiative and to champion its revised motto: Changing finance, financing change. David Pitt-Watson, Senior Strategic Advisor and Representative of Inflection Point Capital Management, and Madeleine Ronquest, Head of Environmental and Social Risk Management at FirstRand Group Ltd., will co-chair the UNEP FI Global Steering Committee for the next two years. The Committee is composed of 15 elected members who focus on climate change, ecosystem management, and social issues. UNEP FI's upcoming two-day Global Roundtable (GRT), to be held on the 12-13 November in Beijing China, will focus on long-term decision-making and the fundamental role of finance in society.
