Linking Muslim Giving to MDGs

In conjunction with 67th Session of UN General Assembly

Linking Muslim Giving to MDGs

November 2, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. UN Headquarters, NY

A convening of leading Muslim grantmakers and nonprofit organizations to critically examine the status of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Muslim countries as well as to discuss the potentials for developing strategic approaches in faith based giving to meet the financial resource gaps required to meet the MDGs in these countries. The event will also serve as a forum for initial dialogue among participants on how Muslim philanthropic organizations can engage in the formulation of the post 2015 framework; contributing both to the formulation process as well as in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Participation by invitation only - Contact:

The key outcomes of the event will be to provide increased focus to the importance of faith-based giving, which is crucial to accelerate the MDGs in OIC member countries.

The activity is expected to:

- Broaden the range of issues where faith-based giving can make a difference;
- Promote concrete initiatives that already exist and initiate new partnerships
- Enhance the effectiveness of faith-based giving
- Explore alternative funding streams to advance MDGs

Angela Massey

Usman Waheed

Participation to the event is FREE but subject to accreditation.

Additional details will be provided upon registration.