Amana Takaful seeking to “kick start” Maldives stock market with landmark IPO

Amana Takaful will launch 800,000 shares in an initial public offering (IPO) on the Maldives Stock Exchange (MSE).
It appears that 20 % of the shares will be made available to expatriates and 15 percent to overseas applicants. The rest of 65 % will be offered to Maldivians.
The IPO was announced at the Nasandhura Palace Hotel. Hareez Sulaiman, CEO of Amana Takaful Maldives, stated that the IPO is going to "change the way the Maldivian Stock Exchange operates as this will be the first time that Maldivians, expatriates and foreigners will be able to purchase securities in a Maldivian listed company.”