MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Farz Foundation Hosts First National Islamic Microfinance Conference in Lahore, Pakistan, Promotes Farz Meth

The Farz Foundation recently hosted the first National Islamic Microfinance Conference in Lahore, Pakistan, in an effort to develop solutions for the microfinance industry in Pakistan.
Among the ideas proposed to move away from lending practices that “create overindebtedness and violate the principles of customer’s ethic” is the Farz Methodology, a microfinance model promoted by Farz. The methodology, based on Islamic principles, offers free business and health education to clients, prior to offering funding, in deference to Sadqae Jariah (social responsibility). Farz offers loans to clients for the purchase of assets, such as real estate and business equipment. The loans, called murabaha, are interest-free but stipulate that the lender be entitled to a 24-percent profit on the proceeds from the asset.