Sign posts to Islamic finance 2.0

At a macro level, it is needed, beyond short term liquidity and risk management, standardisation, scholars, qualified human capital the following:
First, we need to scientifically establish the size and growth rate of the industry.
Second, we need to establish leading and lagging economic/financial indicators for this geographically fragmented market, some will be same as “conventional”, but others will be different, i.e., more emphasis on applied over academic research.
Third, post crisis, deposit taking Islamic banks need to under go a stress test, as exposure to realty is greater, risk and liquidity management is not as robust, issues with deposit insurance, etc., as a confidence building measure.
Areas that need work are: syariah screening, funds, convergence of IF and halal industry, and venture capital (VC).
Suggestions for Malaysia:
There are five FSA approved Islamic banks in the UK, a G20 country, but not one had a Malaysian founding shareholder, and, now, the European wholesale market may have potential for comparable profits to Indonesian retail.
Investors in the GCC are more interested in market share leading Islamic banks than their products, yet the major players in Malaysia are Islamic subsidiaries, CIMB and Maybank, of conventional bank holding companies.