Islamic equity screening and Zakat calculation

Gassner's picture

Mark your calendar: You can join the meeting on Saturday, 6th February 2021, 15:00 CET

How far we get if we aim to screen stocks ourselves at home for Sharia compliance? Via MS Team meeting I present basic considerations of the screening criteria and Zakat issues, and then show with shared screen how it could be done in Google Sheets with a DIY attitude. This lecture was intended for German Muslim stock market investors in mind, who wished to understand, what commercial screening tools ruled out for them. And the overall work is part of a book project on Islamic finance for consumers.

In regard to Zakat - a full analysis would go to far - two approaches are taken, which are the most prevalent. By all means seek the advice of your school of thought and trusted scholar.

The commercial providers will be named, too. Surely more convenient. Nevertheless going through a Google Sheet once step by step is a good exercise for getting comfortable with the criteria and methods as such.

The tool can be previewed via github best used in Google Sheet. Professionals with data automation, layout and accounting knowledge are especially invited to review, correct errors and improve the usability. The Google Sheet comes along with an open-source license.

You can join the meeting on Saturday, 6th February, 15:00 CET

MS Team is best viewed in the MS Team App, but also should work at the convenience of your browser. As Google Sheet is presented a screen is better than a mobile phone to follow.

Here the link to join: