The global sukuk market witnessed record issuances in 2019, recording $ 162 billion, an increase of 31% over 2018. Participants of the fourth session of the virtual webinar series of the World Islamic Economic Summit discussed the Global Islamic Economy Report for 2019/2020. According to the report, the assets of Islamic finance worldwide reached $ 2.5 trillion in 2018. Sukuk constituted 4% of these assets, and in the same year the UAE ranked fourth among the top 10 markets for Islamic finance assets in the world, with a value of $ 238 billion. The webinar session focused on discussing emerging trends in the sukuk market and future outlooks for the sector. The participants agreed that the sukuk market had performed well last year, and moderator Mohiuddin Kronfol indicated that the lack of updated data contributed to complicating the process of issuing sovereign and institutional sukuk.