National Bonds is providing new hope to its customers who have accumulated loans with the launch of a new initiative that will help new & current bondholders erase their debts and begin a 'debt-free' life. National Bonds Corporation PJSC, the leading Sharia compliant saving scheme, will reward prizes totaling up to AED 2 Million in value that is in addition to its regular & richest weekly and monthly rewards, including the life-changing AED 1 million monthly prize and 22,250 prizes. This initiative is part of National Bonds' efforts to inculcate a culture of regular savings in the UAE. The strategy includes the recently launched National BondsNational Bonds
National Bonds Corporation Standing Instruction Order, a service that makes regular saving easier than ever and is available at a number of banks across the UAE. The Standing Instruction Order will allow banks to automatically deduct a monthly amount from customers to purchase bonds on their behalf, thereby eliminating the need to repeat the transaction process every month.