World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists Launches “Pakistan Reconstruction Fund” Marking the Second World Humanitarian Day

World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists Launches “Pakistan Reconstruction Fund” Marking the Second World Humanitarian Day


Oak Brook, Illinois, August 19, 2010: The World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists (WCMP) marks today the second World Humanitarian Day by establishing “Pakistan Reconstruction Fund” to rehabilitate communities severely affected by the catastrophic floods in the country.

WCMP expresses its deep concern about massive devastation resulting from the torrential rains that flushed away villages, destroyed about 3.2 million hectares of standing crops, killed hundreds of people and displaced about 14 million people, according to UN estimates.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for the rapid delivery of assistance for millions of people in flood-stricken Pakistan, as he saw for himself the devastation wrought by the recent disaster.

OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu states that we are faced with a disaster of gigantic proportions, which requires colossal resources to be tackled, and Pakistan alone is unable to overcome this challenge of great magnitude, as indeed no other country would be able to face such calamity single-handedly.

“After humanitarian agencies conclude their relief operations and flood waters recede, people will need help with the building of homes and planting crops. Pakistan Reconstruction Fund is a timely response to the funding shortfall that may occur as nation enters into rebuilding phase” reads a statement issued from Doha office of the Chair of World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists, Sheikha Aisha bint Faleh Al-Thani.

The Fund will enable communities to achieve socioeconomic well-being through a sustained support mechanism. “Rehabilitation of communities is vital to preventing millions from falling into extreme poverty after the calamity is over” said Shahid Malik, former UK Minister for International Development and the Vice Chair of World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists.

The Pakistan Reconstruction Fund (PRF) will be a multi-donor fund to help finance recovery and reconstruction following the devastating floods. Contributions will be pooled in a single account held by the World Congress of Muslim Philanthropist. The fund will be governed by an independent Steering Committee appointed by the Board.

Contributions to the Fund are expected from sovereign governments, philanthropists, foundations, private sector partners, international donor agencies and non-governmental organizations. Interested donors may send a letter or e-mail to the World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists indicating interest in participating in the PRF as well as the amount of the intended pledge (Attn. Dr. Tariq H. Cheema, WCMP, P.O. Box 3624, Oak Brook, IL 60522, USA,

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The World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists, widely recognized as the premier worldwide forum on Muslim Philanthropy, is a network of donors, foundations and socially responsible corporations established to promote effective and accountable giving. WCMP is a unique catalyst for partnership across public, private, and social sectors, offering information and resources to link donors with social investment opportunities. As a trusted broker of collaborative relationships, WCMP mobilizes financial and human resources to address global issues and advance efficient philanthropy.
2nd World Humanitarian Day – August 19, 2010 (for more information visit the UN website)