Global Report on the Financing of Nuclear Weapons

More than USD 525 billion was made available to the nuclear weapon producing companies
by the investors listed, according to the report. These investors assisted with share and bond issuances, owned or managed shares and bonds or outstanding loans or made credit facilities available to nuclear weapon producing companies between January 2014 and October 2017.

The research includes all outstanding loans and credit facilities during the research period, not only new loans issued. The top 10 investors alone provided more than USD 253 billion to the identified nuclear weapon producers, nearly half of the total investment. All of the top 10 are based in the US. The top 3: Blackrock, Capital Group, and Vanguard, have a combined investment of more than $110 billion. In Europe, the most heavily invested are BNP Paribas (France), Crédit Agricole (France) and Barclays (United Kingdom) with combined investments over $24 billion.
22 positive examples: The Hall of Fame

Don’t Bank on the Bomb 2018 also profiles financial institutions that have adopted, implemented
and published a policy that comprehensively prevents any financial involvement in nuclear weapon producing companies. 22 financial institutions have a public policy that is comprehensive in scope and application, four more than listed in the 2016 report. These are identified in the Hall of Fame. The financial institutions in the Hall of Fame are based in Australia, Denmark, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. Investments are not neutral. Financing and investing are active choices, based on a clear assessment of a company and its plans. Financial institutions, by adopting public policies prohibiting investment in the nuclear weapons industry, actively demonstrate the stigma associated with these weapons of mass destruction. These financial institutions are clearly in compliance with all provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

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