Save the date - UKIFC & ISRA Thematic Workshop 2018, in association with K&L Gates

Note: Workshop 21 February 2018 9.30 am - 4.15 pm, free upon registration.

How Ethical is Islamic Finance?

The Islamic Finance Council UK (UKIFC) and the International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), in association with K&L Gates invite you to an event addressing the ethical credentials of Islamic Finance, featuring the Shari’a Scholar debate.

Event Themes

The event will cover several key themes including:
• The Shari’a Scholar Debate - Is Islamic finance following the spirit of the law or just the letter?
• Is Islamic Finance an ethical alternative - what social impact has it made in the past 20 years?
• With $40trn in SRI funds under management, is the Islamic Finance sector branded optimally?
• By focusing on the banking model, has Islamic Finance restricted its ability to provide more ethical and socially responsible solutions?
• Malaysia and UK innovation case studies – value-based intermediation and interfaith shared values framework
Speakers will include:
• Lord Sheikh, Co-Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance
• Dr Akram Laldin, Executive Director, ISRA
• Stella Cox, Managing Director, DDCAP
• Omar Shaikh, Advisory Board Member, UK Islamic Finance Council
• Jonathan Lawrence, Islamic Finance Partner, K&L Gates
• En. Kamarul Ariffin Bin Mohd Jamil, Group CEO, Affin Bank Malaysia
• Martina Macpherson, Partner, Sustineri

To view more information about the event visit our web page.