Financial Services Providers and Consumer Protection - Two Worlds?"
Dear colleague and fellow stakeholder of financial services,
The European Coalition for Responsible Credit will be holding its international stakeholder conference “Financial Services Providers and Consumer Protection - Two Worlds?" on 2nd and 3rd July in Hamburg. The event, organised by coalition partner iff and supported by the German consumer associations and the working group on debt advice of the associations (AG SBV) will gather consumer organisations, debt and money advisers, bankers, financial service providers, policy makers, academics and politicians to discuss current issues in retail markets for financial services in Europe and elsewhere.
We would like to give you the opportunity to take part and join the 100 delegates that have signed up already. Issues that will be discussed include national reports on consumer credit and banking, a comparison of bankruptcy laws, bank reporting on responsible lending, financial education and consumer information overload. Opened with an address by the European Commission, day one of the conference will feature contributors from across Europe, Japan and the US and will be in English. Day two will be given over to the German national conference. The programme flyer for the conference is available here.
Please register for the Hamburg 2010 conference being held at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce on 2-3 July 2010. Entry is only EUR 80 for non-for-profit institutions and free for academics. For any further information, or should you need assistance with hotel reservations, please contact Ms Dagmar Stephan, iff, email:; Tel: +49 40 30 96 91 23.
Thank you and we hope to be able to welcome you in Hamburg.
Best regards,
The ECRC Secretariat
Conference contact person:
Dagmar Stephan
Office Management
institut für finanzdienstleistungen e.V.(iff)
Rödingsmarkt 31/33
20459 Hamburg
phone: +49(0)40 30 96 91 23
fax: +49(0)40 30 96 91 22
Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Marlis Dürkop-Leptihn
Vereinsregister: Hamburg, VR-Nr. 13836